Saturday, April 21, 2012


 During the night we all dream of many things that we don't know to explain. This blog will help you discover what the universe is trying to say to you by showing all the meanings of things that you can dream about in alphabetical order. Meanings of dreams.
 Our wish is to help cover all the topics one can dream about.
 If you want to know about something you dreamed about just follow the post with the letter of alphabet that that symbol begins. For example if your dream involved a tree just visit the post starting with the letter T. The more you remember from a dream, the more you can tell what it is telling you. Symbols within a dream can have more than one explanation.
 If you want to find the meaning of your dream check it any time you want to here on this page.
 What dreams may tell you may be of importance.
 Follow our blog and never worry about what having a dream is really about. :)
 Good Night and Sweet Dreams!!!!

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